Links (Do you like timelines?)

Reads like fiction, but isn't surprising at all.

Related headline: the sky is blue!

A political climate so sad that some governors go against their own suggestions and the obvious right thing.

Businesses are allowed to make their own decisions requiring masks, yet customers are so stubborn and angry they resort to threats... instead of simply going elsewhere.

"It is fantastic to have a partner in the White House"


More than 100 people, mostly not wearing face masks, attended an indoor event held by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Just more fun from Florida.

"he allowed Peter Navarro to write an editorial in USA Today saying that almost everything I've ever said was wrong. He allowed the communications department of the White House to send out a list to all of the media... about all of the mistakes I've made"

The Federal Emergency Management Agency issued the waiver in the final moments of Donald Trump's presidency last month

Just 10 countries have administered 75% of the world's available Covid-19 vaccine supply, while more than 130 countries haven't even received their first doses.

Fauci told Axios that he was concerned about personally contracting Covid-19 while working inside former President Donald Trump's White House.

"In hindsight, however, we realized that the policy outlined in our March 16 guidance was flawed"

Another GOP member. First one who actually died.

More nuns.

"The more I learn about this, the angrier I get"

Biden's team is still trying to locate upwards of 20 million vaccine doses that have been sent to states

One hundred fifty of the ventilators went to countries with zero new cases per day on the date the government committed to sending the life-saving machines overseas, as the US edged closer to a shortage of much-needed ventilators.

The anonymous whistleblower made a complaint in 2018.

That's some impressive contact tracing!

"I just said, 'Oh my goodness gracious.' I could just see what's going to happen"

Wouldn't have blamed her. It's a little sad she had to cave to political pressure.

Bittersweet ending.

"these therapeutics are not being used as much as I, or the doctors on the task force, or the experts, career experts here in the HHS feel that they should be."

Empathy is simply lost on people anymore.

Shows just how bad this "loss of sense" stuff can be, but at least there was a good ending to the story.

it has temporarily suspended limits on cremations in order to assist crematoriums in the county with a "backlog" caused by the pandemic

... raising questions about why the government is giving money to groups actively opposing its agenda and seeking to undermine public health during a critical period.


"lower than any year since 2003"

The news blindsided many of the officials who have been tasked with creating plans to administer vaccines at the state and local level.

But, but, but...

Imagine that one. Republicans refusing to wear masks, a forced superspreader event!

Failed leadership that goes all the way to the top.

Just more religious deaths for (probably) no good reason

It's pretty crazy when ambulance workers are doing triage.

Yet another.

"I tested negative, so what are you worried about?" said one protester who wore an "All Lives Matter" mask around his chin, before calling a shopper a "mask Nazi."

So many funny things with this. He posted it himself, she's a healthcare worker and should know better, he calls it "violence" ...

... citing concerns related to ... lack of faith in the government to ensure the vaccines were safe ...

After the normal treatment didn't make him feel better, now he's getting the special treatment reserved for elites.

To cap off a year of epic government failures, many small businesses already barely able to survive and who were helping in the pandemic have surprise bills to pay. Hoping the FDA will make it right, but I'm not holding my breath.


Is this America or North Korea?

The hospital's waiting room is now a tent outside.

Doesn't sound like a hoax or blown out of proportion to me.

Antibiotics targeting COVID have helped fuel the resistant strain.

Red state, no surprise.

Maybe self-reporting and the honor system isn't the best idea?

"After all, I am a twenty year old girl in good health. I am the subset of the population that is supposed to be best equipped to able to handle COVID."

There's a common theme of religious people who put their destiny in a higher power dying from this mostly preventable disease.

"In retrospect, we wish Santa would have been wearing a mask" - South Carolina

Another example of boots on the ground saying the higher-ups are portraying a much better picture.

Obviously without any federal stimulus and states suffering from balanced budget requirements, there's no way to get the relief that is needed.

Didn't make the cut for the elite treatment, it seems.

It got Deebo. So close to the vaccine he was looking forward to.

Dr. Cleavon Gilman, an emergency room doctor in Arizona, said he was punished for speaking out about the growing threat the pandemic placed on the state.

Public pressure from POTUS will certainly build confidence in a rushed vaccine.

Another Republican, of course.

What kind of leader calls his own citizens a liar?

she was ordered to delete an email - an instruction she understood came from Redfield - where an HHS appointee "demanded that CDC alter or rescind truthful scientific reports he believed were damaging to President Trump."

All four men - Trump, Carson, Giuliani and Christie - fall within high-risk categories for people more likely to suffer severe symptoms of Covid-19. And all have at times ignored recommendations on masks and social distancing that Trump himself has downplayed as the pandemic ravages the country.

COVID infections are low to nonexistent in several countries, where life looks practically normal. Some people even occasionally forget there’s a pandemic going on.

I'm sure when they took on this job, they were honored and excited. Did not think they'd have to fear for their safety.

He's older, high risk, and yet he's out of the hospital in a couple of days. Imagine if everyone got that kind of access.

Would it be that hard to lead by example?

"America First!" Right!?

Not a matter of if, a matter of when. For all of them.

Adding further confusion and trying to avoid blame, almost a year later.

It took a lot longer than anyone would have expected. He's been running all around the country for all the silly election lawsuits, spreading it, too.

The administration pledged several hundred million doses in 2020. Companies will actually ship about 10 percent of that.

It's only gone up since then!

Ironic giggle.

The president politicizes this too. Why? What kind of psycho "leader" would do that?


Just last week the protocol office, which plans these events, had to undergo deep cleaning due to a potential case.

Once again, leading by example

Color me surprised.

In a shocking turn of events, China was not forthcoming in the beginning of the pandemic!

Damn, it even got Vader.

The most hospitalizations happening in the country, after 8 months, knowing that the fall and winter would bring more, and still couldn't prepare enough. No financial assistance. No national mask mandates or mitigation strategy encouragement from the top. The Trump team simply lets it roam freely.

8 months into the pandemic and still throwing out mixed messages. Failed leadership.

What a great mix! 460 out-of-state teams and 40 in-state teams

Apparently there are some people in Utah who are trying to scare people straight.

It's been 8 months, even Grey's Anatomy has had time to script and film this struggle. The US was *selling* PPE to other countries at one point. So much for "America First"

An ICU doctor posted an unfiltered simulation of the last things a person might see before dying of Covid-19.

Florida doin' Florida

Just another Republican governor.

Spreading through the government.

It's Florida, after all

The 15 forensic-investigations staffers are tasked with identifying bodies and was unprepared for the demands of the unprecedented and unexpected coronavirus pandemic

Gov. Kristi Noem says there is no plan to implement a mask mandate as the state struggles with the nation's highest coronavirus positivity rate.

At least he isn't as tone deaf as his father - "out of an abundance of precaution, I'll quarantine, I'll follow the regular protocols, you know, take it seriously. No reason to do anything otherwise."

From the party that brought you COVID denial...

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Those people brought it home, spread it, and on and on. Without robust contract tracing we'll never know.

Top government officials able to access to the best care...

Shocker! (again)

Another religious death

Wouldn't it be an interesting if Trump hadn't politicized these things and mandated and supported it from the beginning?

Not surprising: countywide mask mandates appear to have contributed to the mitigation of COVID-19 transmission in mandated counties.

"We are on an absolutely catastrophic path," said a COVID-19 doctor at America's best-prepared hospital.

Supervisors at an Iowa Tyson Foods, a major US meat processor, placed bets on how many workers would become infected with coronavirus

Now it is back to this.

Great leadership.

What else would you expect from Russia?

That is so sad.

Without any long term support, what is to be expected?

Now he's trying to walk it back now saying he meant to voice your opposition. Weird hashtags to be using for "voicing" it.

Not surprising coming from a state that keeps McConnell in power.

"There was no secret about their behaviors, because everyone could see them"

Completely negates the whole point of any nationwide strategy.

More people than ever are hospitalized with COVID-19. Health-care workers can't go on like this.

"pushed to the brink by unsafe staffing that seriously undermines patient safety"

Anddddddd another.

"In virtually every community, we are at capacity or near capacity."

That doesn't happen unless it has to.

A promising vaccine with some difficult challenges to distribute it.

No comment.

A fitting quote I saw was "Joe Biden has a coronavirus team, Trump's team has coronavirus"

"COVID-19 affects the central nervous system, and so might directly increase subsequent disorders."

Kind of ironic for the two words of Trump craziness colliding.

He was dead for a month; why would that many people still vote for him?

"It's about an aggressive balanced approach that is not being implemented."

"It is just a new peak every day."

Totally ignores the pandemic since he's politicized it from the start.

"It's just a lot easier when there's a knowledgeable third-party who can pull the data together, make them consistent across states and actually tell the story of what the information shows." Typically, she says, this role would be fulfilled by the CDC, but the agency was stripped of its role in collecting COVID-19 hospital data in July.

Birx, a physician with decades of experience in global health, told a friend that she would take her message directly to the people and simply sidestep the kind of misleading messages

"The fact that a pandemic may or may not be occurring"

What a fun summer experience!

the idea that Trump would use his own experience as such makes clear just how out-of-touch he is with the average American's experience with this virus.

When I stumbled across this on Facebook, it had tons of "laugh" reactions. Why would anyone consider this funny?

"The proof is in the poop."



Cases aren't always the most important metric in my opinion, but hospitalizations definitely are.

Still being loyal to Trump. Not surprising.

More again, COVID + church isn't a good mix, still haven't learned after 7 months

8 months in and still haven't figured out church + virus = not a good combination

Insufficient testing, a lack of national mask mandates or guidance, a delayed overall response and outright mocking of basic public health practices by the administration has put the United States at the top of the global coronavirus death toll.

"as a potential treatment for patients with moderate Covid-19, convalescent plasma showed limited effectiveness."

The antiviral has shown, at best, a modest benefit for coronavirus patient;. a US study found the infused drug shortened recovery time for some patients by about a third.

Without any sort of federal help, what does anyone expect? HEROES was passed in May, and even the CARES funds were never distributed properly.

That would be a bit freaky.

"He's a disaster" - says Trump, the actual disaster.

Young, in peak physical condition, says he was stable, then died the next day. At least he let people know it was a big deal.

After having an established task force for months, Trump installs a "friendly" doctor that says whatever he needs him to say.

...if my normal sense of smell doesn't come back in a year then it's probably not coming back...

... the Trump team waited months to ink a deal to invest in their manufacturing.

Without the federal government stepping in there's not a lot of support out there.

At least someone can admit they were wrong.

"both conclusive and disappointing"

That's a lot of loss that didn't all have to happen.

"If we couldn't control it very well during the summer, we are in for a big surprise."

That number has now grown to 20 cases as of Oct 16th... and likely will be more.

Whistleblower complaint filed, got reprimanded for it.

"our health care systems are being overwhelmed"

Not so much the game-changer!

"Flawless" ... #4

"I think it's particularly unfortunate given the political pressure that's already on the scientific agencies at this point."


The WH is telling the gatekeepers of consumer safety to push through safety protocols.

Gonna be a lot of these headlines, sadly.

As if this wasn't going to happen eventually. One by one his circle is testing positive. Are they behaving better? No, Pence is still campaigning. Barr said "no" to quarantine.

Knew he was positive and was around positive people, went to the debate and didn't disclose it. The "honor system" relies on someone being "honorable"

Makes fun of Biden for wearing a mask, meanwhile he winds up positive.

The administration pressure is eroding the faith Americans have in an agency set up to protect them from bad drugs, contaminated food and other dangers

"There was no significant difference in infection rates in participants randomized to receive hydroxychloroquine compared with placebo"


"We had somebody who was asymptomatic, and it spread like wildfire throughout our meeting area where we were eating"

"He put Atlas on the task force because he saw him on Fox News"

Icing on the cake is DeSantis called for "some type of bill of rights for students" that would protect them from "draconian" punishments put in place to stop its spread

Troye said the endless work of public health experts combined with undercutting from the President and the White House has left many of the public health experts she worked with demoralized.

While there is an uptick in cases, might as well go full steam ahead with reopening!

This is the most basic need that can be anticipated and was known from the start. Companies are finally delivering some ventilators which are not needed anymore, but not masks, which are something that is useful all of the time.

Two questions: why in the world would the White House overrule it's organization that is supposed to be in charge of these things, and what kind of image does that portray about the safety of the vaccine?

Perfectly summarized and completely logical. It never was a true "ban" ... remember, ~40,000 people still came through...

Over six months in and they're still making critical blunders.

The government abused funds? WHAT?

"It is attacking babies, children and healthy, active men and women who have no idea how they were exposed."

Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted was booed while speaking at a Trump rally for encouraging the President's supporters to wear masks.

He described wearing face coverings as "a political statement"

Nothing like more confusion in the middle of a pandemic!

Numbers according to Yelp.

Is this surprising at all? Parents wanting to unload their kids back into school, virus doubters, etc...

No surprises!

"Our case counts are going up way too fast, and we will need more drastic measures to stop the upward trajectory."

They've walked back the COVID related part for now, however he did test positive for it within the last week, so quite suspect.

Just more college kids not giving a shit.

"Children might have no symptoms, no one knew they had the disease, and a few weeks later, they may develop this exaggerated inflammation in the body."

That would suck, at least Medicare kicked in...

As of writing this I think we're up to two deaths and even more than the couple hundred cases that have been able to be traced.

Months of symptoms, long after being positive.

Sloppy rollout, bloated bills, thousands of businesses didn't qualify that should have, businesses got it that shouldn't qualify, Trump calls it "flawless"

Typically about Myocarditis, mainly.

What a silly statement. Like the virus cares about 50 people vs. 100. This is common sense, not guidelines put in place that the virus would honor.

Just follow the rules. It's simple.

Lower testing means lower numbers, which means less closures... right?

Didn't even take two weeks. What did anyone expect though?

So now the advice is to not challenge people who don't comply with mask mandates...

In a surprising move, Florida listens to science and reason!

"Just giving you a Covid hug. You now have Covid" - creepy.

I’m not even 100% sold the FDA isn’t motivated by money and lobbying, but even Trump is openly attacking them because of the “deep state” ...

Essentially it boils down to caring about others.

That spiked the entire state's count by 10%, and gave them another death.

More weird side effects.

At least 15 states are reporting positive cases of Covid-19 at colleges and universities.

Just more craziness

Yet another shoot-from-the-hip gesture that will likely not provide any benefit to anyone for weeks, if not months.

This is why you trust the experts who know more than you do about specific subjects.

Science keeps going back and forth, but that's one reason to be careful, what if this is the case?

What do you expect when they're activated so late in the game? underlying health conditions...

Bold words! Even bolder actions: Urquiza had also written a letter to Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey inviting him to her father's funeral

"This is really just nonsense and a distraction" sounds like hydroxychloroquine round 2

Holy moly, he said it wasn't the democrats fault! trusting the President's repeated insistence that the pandemic would go away.

Politicized hydroxychloroquine, didn't learn from that, and since when is MyPillow's creator any kind of expert?

The same exact talking points, so many times, even weeks later...

You can always get a new job or house.

"I wish [this] were work being done out of the Centers for Disease Control, but it just isn't happening."

"Yes, it really sucks."

What else would you expect from Florida?

If that isn't motivation to stay away and get a vaccine out of the door...

Score more points for the "did not come from a lab" side

An odd end to an odd place.

No matter how many stories like this are out there, there's still people who simply dismiss it.

It's no surprise!

Is there any surprise here?

What is sad is her own schoolmates see her as someone who is ruining their school.

Of course they are.

They're coming either way, so let's just let it happen?

Someone would think that this wouldn't have to be proven, but people are still doing things like this to prove it.

Surprise, surprise.

The fatigue is happening worldwide... interesting to think if it was globally coordinated and handled, it might not have had to last this long.

"Many people are not following CDC guidelines because the county did not make these precautions mandatory." - we're looking at you, Redfield...

This shouldn't be a thing even without COVID, but for some reason... it is.

I don't know how many times this has to happen before people think more about it.

Davis told his fellow Republicans: "Don’t be stupid and become the news story of the day."

What's most needed, they said, was for the federal government to seize a larger leadership role in coordinating a focused national effort...

Might as well criticize your other health expert.

Sure, why would organizations that don't pay taxes and get lots of donations not be entitled to all that "free" money themselves?

This brings the total number of minors who have died in relation to the virus in Florida to seven.

But send the kids back!

"Masks may be good, they may be just okay, or they may be great" - typical non-committal Trump doublespeak.

“It is extraordinarily widespread. It's into the rural as equal urban areas”

Imagine if this happened to you. Crazy.

I'm still shocked that cruises were still happening anywhere in the world.

The rich and elite never have to worry about this kind of stuff.

The drug that keeps ping-ponging back and forth.

No surprise here.

He actually blamed his health conditions from being stuck at home.

Everyone knows government contracts are the best.

Not any surprise here, if hospitals couldn't get the supplies they needed, how could anyone else?

noted Europe and Asia had managed to “shut down” 95% of their populations, whereas about 50% of the United States was shut down

“The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy”

Imagine that!

Poor doggo

... comparing mask mandates to Jews being forced to wear Stars of David in Nazi Germany ...

Back to Hydroxychloroquine...

"there was probably already two or three weeks of 60,000 people coming back every day from Europe"

More of that sweet irony.

But I thought testing was all under control now?


For Tony Green, the coronavirus pandemic was just a 'scamdemic' - until truth hit home hard

A new shelter-at-home order began Friday in Starr County, nearly three months after Texas ended its stay-at-home order

The 9-year-old's death is not a travel-related case and the child did not have close contact with anyone who recently tested positive for Covid-19, records show.

That's good news, but can you imagine that?

Wait, the "hype man" president continues to hype?

They talk about disruption to lives, and how important socialization is for kids, except in this way they're not really going to make that same connection anyway (if guidelines/rules are followed)

What a fun decision to have to make.

More than 52 million people have filed for *first-time* unemployment benefits in the last 18 weeks.


With millions still out of work, states having to rollback reopenings, it would be the least they could do.

"I chose not to test them, because I had to ration our nasal swabs"

She looks young and healthy, couldn't get tested the first time and then didn't get results for days after, then winds up with horrible gastrointestinal issues due to it.

More deaths from religious camps. Perhaps faith shouldn't be the only thing being utilized here.

While we're still getting reports about delays with testing results and other issues, they're not even spending the approved funds to improve it?

... family members who have lost loved ones are calling out leaders in an unusual way: publishing memorials tinged by grievances in their local newspapers.

Broken record: issues with testing - availability, turnaround time, confusion, unspent funds...

4-5 months later?

What happened to it going away so quick, or going away in the summer, or vaccines in the next few weeks, etc, etc...?

"We were wrong."

"I'll be right eventually. I will be right eventually. You know I said, 'It's going to disappear.' I'll say it again"

Still won't promote it directly. Says "many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask" instead?

Parents are nervous, teachers are nervous, everyone who actually has to participate isn’t confident about it, but politicians and leaders are still pressing forward...

I wouldn't blame other countries for it, either.


People wind up being able to get tests, only to have their results mixed up. Clearly part of the "world's leading coronavirus testing system"

Guess who tried to cut this?

A variety of stories from random "younger" people, who show that no, it's not always "like the flu"

Since science is still discovering new things every day, it's scary how many different issues any of these infants could suffer from, immediately or later on.

Add another point in the "lab accident" or "lab created" column

And another negative on the hydroxychloroquine.

How much worse and transparent can this get?

Not surprising, as Crimson Contagion happened as well (unless this was part of it?) but these exercises appear to be largely ignored.

They put it back, but have frozen it as of July 14th. So much for transparency moving forward.

... they had a hard time accessing a test because they had not traveled and did not know anyone who had tested positive.

Attacking and trying to discredit the top medical expert during a pandemic IS "bizarre"

These are *first-time* filers.

I don't blame them. Adults can't even behave properly, and we expect kids to?

First, Redfield relaxed his posture under Trump's pressure. Now, those "revised" (assuming relaxed) guidelines are held up further.

But let's send them back into the classroom!

Bypassing the group that is in charge of tracking and managing pandemics?

Sadly this "official" announcement comes out almost four months late.

More stories of the long-term lingering side effects even if you're "recovered"

"This is the worst economic downturn since World War II. It dwarfs the Great Recession. So it's not surprising that we would also see the worst increase in the uninsured."

Just a preview of what's to come.

Could have been even as much as $3.5B, for an organization that does not pay taxes and usually aren't even eligible for this kind of funding. Not to mention they get funds from their worshipers on top of that. Definitely no struggles there.

It's exactly as it sounds

It feels weird to say but it wouldn’t be as bad if people simply weren’t ingesting it...

"Remember, it's guidance, it's not requirements" - grow a backbone already.

Sweet, delicious irony.

Pushing for schools to reopening, ignoring medical experts, and forcing agencies to having to politicize their messages and policies.

There was a 20% decline, and now it's past that mark on the way up. "I guess we just connect the dots," Dart said.

A good leader would have no problem taking up this challenge.

Still seems to be a disconnect between boots on the ground and "upper management" or maybe it's just that "management" has decided to move on?


"I don't see how it's possible to even do that"

I bet there won't be any accountability at the end of the day, like always.

"I think we are going to be in two, three, four weeks, by the time we next speak, I think we're going to be in very good shape." - remember how he told us "a couple weeks" back in February?

Demanding to reopen, but leaving it up to leaders, avoiding any accountability in how it happens.

This poor girl never had a chance with a mother like that.

"There does not appear to be anyone who is enforcing the executive order"

"I'm really not sure why someone would do this"

When you are able to analyze data at a large scale you can come up with interesting (and possibly obvious) results

"They put money in a pot and they try to get COVID. Whoever gets COVID first gets the pot"

I try to pepper in different sources, the Fox News narrative is "there's no way to know for sure" where he got it, but I'm sure the rally didn't help...

This stuff writes itself.

Trump, who declared in 2018 that reducing the cost of prescription drugs was one of his "biggest priorities," has done nothing to advance the bill.

It's not a surprise that even with "restrictions" there is still spread, considering how sloppy and human people are.

No other country will be able to buy remdesivir

An example of the unpredictable way health prices can vary for patients who receive identical care.

Who didn't see this coming?

The governor says she's full of it, but he's also been happy to make poor decisions for his state this whole time...

3 months into the pandemic, he’s starting to say something. Amusing to hear “wear a mask wherever it’s indicated” from someone who has ignored that mandate on visits to different places that had a mandate.

Remember back in the beginning when that choir outbreak happened in WA?

What did Alanis say again?

Paraphrasing a friend's snarky remark - "in their defense, some of those people were probably alive at the beginning of the pandemic"

At least they're acknowledging it again at the federal level, kinda.

I remember the promise of absolute transparency

FDA, CDC, etc... all have passed

"I have a family member who passed due to coronavirus... I should be wearing a mask" - but doesn't.

The new normal is having 700-1000 deaths a day, rising case counts, and apparently just accepting it.

"Has the U.S. given up its fight against coronavirus?" ... "U.S. increasingly accepts rising covid-19 numbers."

At first, he was shamed for being too vocal, now they're saying it was his fault for the way it spread.

Nothing is more important to him than his self-gratifying rallies.

Typical irony.

Without decent leadership pushing a consistent narrative, it leaves way too much open to anti-science speculation and theory.

At least the people who really need it know there's plenty left.

Even as the virus continues to spread, Trump has stated clearly he is ready to move past the pandemic.

... directed the Treasury Department to get the money out the door by April 26. That didn’t happen. The agency distributed about $4.8 billion in late May, and most of the remaining $3.2 billion wasn’t distributed until last Friday.

Florida continues to rise...

Cherry on top? He's still referring to it as the "Wuhan Flu"

The agency determined the drugs were "unlikely to be effective in treating COVID-19 for the authorized uses in the EUA."

Well that isn't surprising at all.

This is the grisly game that captains of industry are playing, as workplace coronavirus risks are taking a backseat to production goals.

The technology was old, the data poor, the bureaucracy slow, the guidance confusing, the administration not in agreement.

a new study - the first of its kind - shows the drug doesn't work to prevent infection with the virus, either

Fox News makes sure to let people know "Neither traveled with President Trump aboard Air Force One"

But while cited by the administration as a success, the deliveries made up a small share of supply needs and the final destination of some supplies remain difficult to account for.

"New clinical evidence on the use of hydroxychloroquine in subjects with SARS-CoV-2 infection ... indicates an increased risk for adverse reactions with little or no benefit"

"The scientific data is really quite evident now about the lack of efficacy for it"

Nearly half (48%) of those polled said someone in their family has skipped or delayed getting medical care during the coronavirus pandemic.

First documented confirmed case arrived 11 days *after* the travel "ban" that Trump touts was put into place...

If just 5% of the population being tested has the virus, a test with more than 90% accuracy can still miss half the cases.

"What we have said to people is there is clear scientific evidence now"

The FDA [still] says the general public shouldn't take the drug to treat or prevent COVID-19 outside of hospitals or monitored trials

Going to be a lot of headlines like this!

On Saturday, Hutchinson said Arkansas is seeing an increase of Covid-19 cases in what the governor calls a second peak.

Back at the links!

"We can have a patient in their 70s who has isolated respiratory failure and just needs a bit of help with a ventilator. And we can have a patient in their 20s who develops multi-organ failure very quickly."

Whether due to political pressure - a charge Hahn denies - or the natural burden of dealing with a global pandemic, the FDA has had to issue a number of high-profile walk-backs and revisions to its efforts to tackle Covid-19.

"I didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it"

Sounds like reasonable requests.

“If the science that we are offering up contradicts a specific policy goal, then we are the problem."

"What good are the test results if you can't trust them?"

"I never imagined having to do this"

His patients could always reach him. He always gave them his cell phone number.

"Crises are political only until they are personal," wrote the journalist Elaina Plott

Medical journal says Trump is 'factually incorrect' about when it first published coronavirus reports

It seems to flourish in religious institutions.

the White House did not plan on implementing the agency's guidelines.

Two of US President Donald Trump's top officials are now pointing the finger at the administration's own scientists and Americans' pre-existing health conditions to explain the country's world-leading Covid-19 death toll.

There is no evidence that taking hydroxychloroquine could prevent infection with Covid-19.

Why would anyone need to use this fund when they can abuse the PPP, or get lost in paperwork trying to get a loan?

The big baby is upset that his go-to network isn't blindly supporting him anymore.

I'm still confused why this is the "salute" our governments continue to do, instead of actually helping first responders. Now the Canadian air force is down a pilot, too.

"There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust"

"At the very beginning they kept silent, and then I said probably we have (a larger) number of people being infected."

“the tests suggested not to go ahead with the drug.”

the truckers have shown up in downtown D.C. for weeks to protest low shipping rates that they say threaten to put them out of business

Well, that's escalating quickly!

the officers told her she would be escorted from the transit system for not complying

That's pretty daunting figure. Eventually, things will balance out, but it will take quite some time.

That's a quick reversal.

Health and Human Services leadership said they did not believe there would be a shortage of N95 masks.

"I was wrong. They did leave behind a plan, so I clearly made a mistake in that regard"

This is in testimony...

"There's no perfect way of doing this."

The important takeaway from this is that anyone who thinks they don't have any underlying conditions doesn't necessarily know yet, and this virus could trigger it.

I love how Fox is trashing a medical expert's opinion during a widespread medical issue.

They include blood clots that cause strokes in younger people and that clog dialysis machines, headaches and kidney failure.

At least this one didn't come to fruition!

"no one who is reopening meets the criteria for reopening"

"It's a catch-22"

It missed more than 48 percent of cases when dry nasal swabs were run on Abbott machines, compared to nasopharyngeal swabs run on the Cepheid testing platform. (also references to 15% and 25% further down)

It's sad that store employees are the ones having to enforce this stuff and wind up getting attacked for it.

Both Mujinga and her colleague fell ill from Covid-19 within days of the assault

A week later, all five family members would test positive for coronavirus

"Flawless" ... #3

All you're doing here is proving that you can do many of the workouts you want anywhere.

Wait... that’s a Republican governor!

"They're ordered to stay at home, but we're just asking for the public's cooperation to keep yourself and your family safe."

"The nail has virtually been put in the coffin of hydroxychloroquine"

"it's nearly an impossible situation to be in medicine when you think that there's something you could and should be doing for somebody, and you don't have it to give."

The news comes almost two months after Los Angeles County released some inmates early and reduced the number of arrests in the county due to coronavirus concerns.

the other governors had no choice but to follow

"There's more and more businesses going out of business and a lot of these people are like, what should I do, should I give it back or what?"

"But the words she was called and the language, you wouldn't even say in a men's locker room. And to say it to a 17-year-old kid, they should be ashamed of themselves."

"due to the failure of many citizens to adhere to the measures of prevention and public safety, and because of selfishness, recklessness and indifference to their health and the health of their societies"

Prestige Ameritech in Texas pops up again!

"the Fed has explicitly indicated that there is no dollar limit and no danger of running out of ammunition."

Things are getting more interesting!

Yet another fight about mask wearing turning into violence.

"The question is, will people become anesthetized to it?"

The numbers are grim.

Let's just see how this one plays out.

There needs to be a whole category for these kind of stories.

... There's no one to call at the IRS, which was forced to mostly shut down its call centers ...

At least for now, there's no proof humans can get infected from cats!

What about leading by example? Trump even admits the aide tested negative one day, positive the next, and that tests don't seem to be that important... further proving the point.

Many people think COVID-19 kills 1% of patients, and the rest get away with some flulike symptoms. But the story gets more complicated. Many people will be left with chronic kidney and heart problems. Even their neural system is disrupted. There will be hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, possibly more, who will need treatments such as renal dialysis for the rest of their lives.

Remember, if you want to believe what you’re hearing, you should put your guard up just a little bit more.

For institutions that receive lots of voluntary support, contributions/tithing and don't pay taxes, that doesn't seem right.

It's sad to see this at the end of this story, in the richest country in the world: The family hopes a GoFundMe will make up the difference

Another story about someone being flippant about the little bit that is asked of them.

After nearly 8,000 warnings issued, they decided to simply close it down.

Not a single state meets the guidelines to reopen currently. But Trump has made sure to emphasize states own their own timelines, so he can't be blamed.

"There are still shortfalls; I mean, we got to address the shortfalls"

"You talk about how essential, how needed, how grateful you are, and yet you throw us to the wolves."

This is the test the president, vice president, etc. all rely on.

While not a blockbuster drug, a study shows it shaves four days off a hospital stay, from 15 to 11 days.

More silly violence due to the current conditions

What a great leader.

More of the side effects of COVID-19 that we're only beginning to see.

This virus has thrown so many curve balls.

Providing a straightforward, extinguishable enemy - whether it's a well-known celebrity like Gates or a mysterious concept like the illuminati - gives conspiracy theorists hope, agency and power in a time of chaos. In reality, those recognizable, often mortal figures are simply scapegoats for an act of God.

If the virus isn't that bad for so many people, why would this policy be necessary?

New crime worth reporting in 2020.

We are stumbling upon dead bodies. I know of two cases. A train operator nearly tripped over one while walking between cars.

was met with "indifference which then developed into hostility" by leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services

"From all indications, Mr. Munerlyn was simply doing his job in upholding the governor's executive order related to the COVID-19 pandemic for the safety of store employees and customers"

Guy was just doing his job.

"He risked his own health and safety to protect others and left this world a better place"

She’s got a point!

"They always said nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse."

Even with bailouts and loans on the table, they're still unable to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm getting tired of this back and forth.

It's pretty bad when Bush Jr. shows you up

Package thieves are already scum, but dressing as a nurse doubles down on the scum factor.

"Transit workers are worried they could catch the coronavirus from the homeless who are camped out in the system"

Understatement of the century

The country's deadliest day comes as state officials weigh reopening parts of the economy and easing stay-at-home orders.

Imagine that: the evidence so far suggests that more centralized, publicly funded systems with universal coverage and a solid chain of command and control have been weathering the crisis better.

Not really surprising.

Of course the poorer people will be preyed upon even more than normal.

Trump tells the states to do what they can, and if states are lucky enough to get an order through, they're at risk from being taken away anyway.

Things are getting nuts there!

She worked to treat coronavirus patients until she became one herself, and then documented her fight with the virus until she died 24 days after she fell ill.

Poor time to cut grants relating to the specific virus we're in the middle of trying to figure out and fight.

Such comments are typical of Trump's consistent habit of blaming others for his own poor judgments.

As if we need more popular people throwing their disruptive opinions in the mix!

The Silicon Valley engineer, who had no background in medical supplies but was recommended by the White House, never delivered the ventilators.

It is interesting how often they go hand in hand.

It's a *noble* idea, but what did they think would happen? Frontline workers don't need a flyover, they need less patients to deal with.

"both men, who had histories of psychiatric problems" - that will be their excuse.

bucking the organization's mandatory masking policy

The number has grown to 52.

you can't lead a horse to water and force him to drink.

Taylor said it was a "shock" to endure 30 minutes of "unfiltered meanderings" because when Trump's words are processed through the media, the effect is that Trump sounds more coherent than he is. "I realized how much of the reporting of Trump necessarily edits and parses his words, to force it into sequential paragraphs or impose meaning where it is difficult to detect."

Roughly 41% of working-age adults say their families have experienced a job loss, a decrease in work hours or other employment-related declines in income in recent weeks, according to a new analysis by the Urban Institute.

Another sad story, and even worse, she had to live on a ventilator for a month before she died.

Even at the worst place, it's estimated at only 15-20%, and that required a lot of casualties.

"If anyone's status as a health care professional should be questioned it's Dr. Kelli Ward's"

Then they added it back again. Trump needs his daily air time.

she told him how excruciating it was to have to continually watch contagion patients die

She also questioned whether the World Health Organization had a "switch" to "turn this virus on and off?"

I tried it, thinking "no way." Yes way

The danger of speculation in the wrong place.

failed to register with the president, who routinely skips reading the PDB and has at times shown little patience for even the oral summary he takes two or three times per week

It sounds like they're trying to weather the storm, but this is pointing out how sensitive the supply chain is to disruption.

Imagine that. Healthcare and insurance providers applying shady practices and exploiting loopholes.

Taking a break from pandemic winning to rant on Twitter about the completely wrong thing(?)

March seems like forever ago.

Pork processing is getting hit hard. Over 15% of production is offline and that will trickle down to farmers who will have to euthanize. We're already seeing this happen.

The perfect strategy to make him the scapegoat. Even though he tried to get Trump to prepare better early on, for which he was called an “alarmist” and ignored.

As a leader you need to realize the power your words have. You didn’t directly tell people to try it (like you did with hydroxychloroquine) but even throwing out these ideas In public is dangerous.

Article from Fox News. No commentary needed.

"the spectacle of him fighting with the press isn't what people want to see."

aides and allies are increasingly worried that his lengthy appearances are backfiring politically

What a weird world. President saying "open up" and now disagreeing with the governor, and the mayor is disagreeing with the governor

Again, as a leader you really should be considering your audience. Remember, Trump "loves the poorly educated" so it's a safe assumption he knows they're out there.

"The cavalry does not appear to be coming"

"he was experiencing a lot of anxiety witnessing a lot of death, he'd feel it was a heavy experience when he’d fail to save a life"

You know it's bad when multiple Fox News people are telling you "ehh... didn't seem like it"

Non-partisan view of how the nation's food chain works and how easily it can be disrupted.

"We have a responsibility in providing consumers with access to accurate, up-to-date information as advised by leading public health experts"

"he should have pulled the trigger far earlier"

It's fake news still, right?

The medical experts are now regularly faced with the choice of either publicly contradicting the President or letting inaccurate and even dangerous information go uncorrected.

Not only was there no approved test in the US at this time for them to take, I've seen reports (and may have posted them) that nobody bothered to test the staff.

Uh oh. More fuel for the doubters!

We don't need to add poisoning to our current health crisis.

followed what the company called "recent speculation and social media activity" with respect to the use of disinfectants

I wouldn't say "predicted" but rather somehow Trump wound up speaking out loud about a topic that was originally a joke.

I don't think he's said "prank" anywhere publicly, but that's a weird reasoning for his comment, which was NOT directed at reporters.

The President said he'd call Kemp back later to discuss, but never did.


To be fair, Trump does call himself a "cheerleader" for America... so to expect anything else is a stretch.

"I just wanted to give him a little confidence" Mr. Lindell said

The country that helped defeat fascism in Europe 75 years ago next month, and defended democracy on the continent in the decades that followed, is doing a worse job of protecting its own citizens than many autocracies and democracies.

At this point, statements like this need to be communicated after a Trump briefing.

"Please don't eat tide pods or inject yourself with any kind of disinfectant"

More irony.

I've watched the briefings daily and noticed this myself. It's like it never existed.

Makes sense to reshuffle one of the nation's top immunologists during a pandemic that is searching for a vaccine.

They've confirmed some of them are tied to the election for sure, and they haven't even processed them all.

"It was very clear that Azar wasn't able to marshal the forces across the government like he needed to"

The data reveal that, in the race to get a loan in the first-come, first-served program, larger businesses had a leg up over smaller ones - even when applying through the same bank.

According to US intelligence officials, the Chinese operatives amplified disinformation about a national lockdown

JPMorgan Chase & Co., acting as the lender, took a $100,000 fee on the one-time transaction for which it assumed no risk and could pass through with fewer requirements than for a regular loan

Even Trump doesn't agree with this. He said if he thought a state was doing the wrong thing, the White House would do something, but he's not.

"leadership would rather see more Wisconsinites get sick and die than listen to what the experts say is the best path forward"

The execution of both programs was hobbled by confusion, crushing demand, technical problems and frequent changes in guidance on the rules for aid and eligibility.

"we are better off waiting for the randomized trials Dr. Fauci's been asking for"

"I believe that God wants me not to stop when some anti-Christ person stops me" sounds like a logical reason.

reopening "may be beneficial to our economy but is in no way beneficial to the health of our city"

Is there any surprise here? Trump started selling this like it was his own product. The president has no reason to be talking about any drugs unless his medical experts ask him to.

"Flawless" indeed.

Trump is sad that a governor was able to do what he couldn't.

Two simultaneous outbreaks of respiratory infections would dramatically strain the health care system, he said.

A grim, personal account from a frontline healthcare worker posted to her blog. Reads like fiction, but sadly is not.

... among other things, personally introduced a little-noticed amendment to eliminate the Prevention and Public Health Fund at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which provided grants to states for detecting and responding to infectious-disease outbreaks ...

It didn't have to be this way.

Big banks gaming the system with free government money? Imagine that.

A quick clarification on a few items of the misinformation that was spread by Crewnshaw's statements.

"Rich," he said, "it's like nothing I’ve ever seen before."

"Land of the free. Go to China if you want communism" - someone doesn't know the definition of communism, only the ignorant idea of what that term means.

I'm sure all big banks were playing this game. So far Wells and Chase have been called out.

Not only did we ignore the signs, now we're struggling to buy back PPE fast enough and spending way more than we should.

after the difficulty emerged, CDC officials took more than a month to remove the unnecessary step from the kits

He called a crematorium Friday to arrange for the cremation of four bodies but the earliest date he could get was May 19. In the meantime the bodies sit in the unrefrigerated funeral home.

5x markup, FBI and DHS questioning, shady intermediates, sounds like an illegal drug deal... but no, it's just masks.

"exploiting the crisis by marketing a powerful industrial bleach to consumers as a remedy for coronavirus"

Since the nurses refused to enter the patient rooms, the N95 policy has changed.

Seems like Trump is pushing more and more roles to the states now but simultaneously acting like he’s in charge.


"Their new declarations about the availability of rapid testing technology and ramping up capacity are alarmingly similar to the announcements made last week, last month and the month before. They are nowhere."

"It's taken everyone by surprise because it is acting so different from everything else”

The lobbying blitz has infuriated some unions and other advocates for front-line workers, who say some big companies are attempting to twist a program meant to keep people employed into a pure corporate bailout. (Shocker!)

In a time of flip-flopping at the federal level, it's nice to have someone who is not afraid to take responsibility and simply present the facts. What an amazing rant.

all three doctors have walked back the controversial comments they've made during their appearances on the network.

The programs designed for "small businesses" are still being claimed by large ones. Imagine that.

"We didn't lose just a single spy. We lost entire networks"

"It's incredibly frustrating. It doesn't make sense to me at all"

"What's happening to livestock futures prices for hogs, cattle, and dairy due to Covid-19 is like catching a falling knife"

“It was like going from nothing to being on the front line.”

Another expert weighs in

It does sound similar to our situation - multiple bodies inside of the government had an idea this was going to be a problem, yet officially downplayed it.

I know he knows the difference, but why even bring it up? Also ... "We never posted this video."

Imagine that: the president, however, is not authorized to sign Treasury payments - a practice typically held by a government employee to protect the checks from politicization. This is the first time a president's written name is featured on an IRS check. Ego much?

While it helps justify a Trump narrative and shift some blame, it is an additional source citing this possibility.

If they had done such a bad job, why did it take 3 months for Trump to finally start lobbing attacks at them? Simple. The numbers are catching up to him finally.

More and more attempts with this drug have came out with little to no benefit with high risks.

Doesn't "heal" for sure, at best, it may have made patients slightly more comfortable.

"The virus was identified on January the 7th. The [genetic] sequence was shared on the 12th with the world."

"The fact that we got much, much less than we initially thought and were told we would be getting - we're going back to the drawing board”

“We had a good lead with a manufacturer on vents, and they got swept up by FEMA, so we're not getting them”

“You’ve got to put your name on stuff or no one remembers you."

It is like taking away a fire department’s trucks in the middle of a blaze.

Whatever stimulates the economy!

Several companies and other participants said they found out they were invited only after the president announced their names in a Rose Garden news conference on Tuesday evening or from a subsequent White House statement.

millions of people are waiting to get any money at all

One former administration official said there was no one left at the National Security Council who could "viscerally understand" the public health threat the virus posed.

The President's senior advisers Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump will not participate, Trump told reporters on Monday. The disclosure caught some of his aides by surprise ...

On top of everything else going on, we’ve got a state vs. federal battle going on too

He wants it both ways. States should be managing their own supplies, and if they decide to close things, but then he says the federal government has the power to open it up.

There’s a time and place to reconsider this. In the middle of the pandemic? Clearly trying to spread the blame.

The American Public Health Lab Association says that has resulted in "crappy" tests flooding the market.

Virus be damned, politicians continue to politician.

That was a quick 180 from the day before, wasn't it?

"I think it's a legitimate question that needs to be investigated and answered"

"I just don't understand why we aren't doing everything we can to save people's lives"

Too many side effects, no real benefits proven.

It's still considered a possibility.

The same loopholes Trump and Kushner have used to reduce or outright avoid tax liability in the past.

The same administration that told us not to worry about the virus also says not to worry about the food supply. However, there's been a handful of negative headlines coming out of that space as of late.

This is the third religious figure who downplayed due to faith or simply ignored guidelines to have died, according to my count.

Pretty grim. I can imagine a lot of healthcare workers having PTSD after this.

Not a game changer, no matter how many studies come out.

All signs point to them knowing more than they were sharing.

a period of "six long weeks" after the travel restrictions until he "finally took aggressive action to confront the danger the nation was facing"

State Department cables warned in January 2018 about biosecurity and management problems at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

"We're looking like 'Flori-duh' again, Gov. DeSantis. Any idea how that happened?"

Nearly 3,000 US service members have tested positive for coronavirus, two service members have died.

Another pastor (in Virginia, oddly enough) dies of irony.

"DOD clearly has expertise, but it seems completely unclear whether the White House is in charge, DOD is in charge, FEMA is in charge, or HHS is in charge."

My favorite quote: "Has America thought about inheriting wealth from its dad?"

Now more tight-lipped than ever.

So, according to the Times, the President of the United States was reluctant to listen to the advice of experts on infectious diseases and pandemics because of his suspicion that much of the federal bureaucracy amounted to a "deep state" working against him.

He can't answer... just avoids. Feels like an argument you'd have with a kid. Resorts to name calling.

A month later. Google website? Apple app? 5 million tests by 4/13? in-home testing? lots of drive-through testing at retail partners?

"These facility closures will also have severe, perhaps disastrous, repercussions for many in the supply chain, first and foremost our nation's livestock farmers“

Safety restrictions put in place by the Obama administration that could have prevented this were removed.

The virology institute denied the existence of the person rumored to be "patient zero", a grad student named Huang Yanling. Information about her has been removed from the institute's website, and her whereabouts are unknown. The institute now claims she is in good health.

Hindsight is 20/20 ... "because at the time there were as yet no cases of the disease in Taiwan, we could not state directly and conclusively that there had been human-to-human transmission"

Oddly enough Navarro himself sounded warnings before Trump acted, and even authored a book in 2006 about a pandemic originating from China. He simply won't make himself look good at the risk of making Trump look bad.

At least 41 grocery workers have died of the coronavirus and thousands more have tested positive in recent weeks

"At the end of the day, the consumer ultimately is having to be price gouged and pay a king's ransom for something we desperately need to give them and they can't afford to live without"

"We make a recommendation, often the recommendation is taken, sometimes it's not."

A very simple and clear list of questions that everyone wants to know, regardless of political beliefs.

Seems like an important "stick it to you" moment, when you have nearly infinite budget support from Congress.

Donald Trump has implied doctors and elected officials say they do not have enough personal protective equipment (PPE) and other materials to get on television amid the coronavirus crisis.

Fauci said, as soon as there was "community spread…then it became clear that we were in real trouble…that was towards the middle to end of January."

a nurse says the U.S. is treating the virus with equipment that lags behind what's being used in other countries.

The VA denies this publicly.

Decisions made in the room are often undermined by Trump, and some discussions, such as guidance on wearing masks, stretched on for weeks.

They volunteered for a 13 week stint, used their promised stipend to book a place, and wound up getting canceled on, without any refund or support.

... continued to present a far more optimistic message in public ...

Luckily there's hope out there to safely reuse existing PPE, since there was not adequate preparation made or major effort from the top (until over a month in!)

"From everything I'm reading, the situation is worse in the US, in terms of the number of cases, prevention measures or lack thereof, and how overburdened the health system is"

"I don't want to be disparaging, but the people who made the CDC kit simply failed at molecular biology - they created a nightmare ... The business of American medicine and the way it is organized is astonishingly unprepared for this"

Great summary of claims with numbers and references to debunk them.

Reality just keeps getting weirder.

"If you don’t like it, you can leave"

"We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here" - this is our new White House press secretary?

Illinois State Comptroller Susana Mendoza said she sent someone from her staff to a McDonald's with a check for $3.4 million to pay a middle man to get masks twice.

This is a comment that’s always annoyed me. You can’t inherit a flawed system or testing for something that has never existed before. Apparently it still had to be said though.

"I'm disgusted. I requested an absentee ballot almost three weeks ago and never got it. I have a father dying from lung disease and I have to risk my life and his just to exercise my right to vote"

"Are they stockpiling this stuff? Are they distributing it? We don't know," one official said. "And are we going to ever get any of it back if we need supplies? It would be nice to know these things."

“We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here"

instead of honoring their obligation to give refunds, many airlines have only been offering vouchers and credits for future travel

Dated Jan 29th, "The lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave Americans defenseless in the case of a full-blown coronavirus outbreak on U.S. soil," Mr. Navarro's memo said. "This lack of protection elevates the risk of the coronavirus evolving into a full-blown pandemic, imperiling the lives of millions of Americans."

Very coincidental the amount of people in his circles (and maybe even himself) who would benefit from this.

He then bragged about its success against malaria, which has no bearing on the coronavirus

Meanwhile, Lupus and Malaria patients could lose access to the drug if people hoard and stockpile it, and the drug itself has some fatal side effects. There is still no reason why he continues to peddle this theory. Leave it to the medical professionals.

But as time passed, it became increasingly difficult to justify the continued funding, staffing and attention.

"You wouldn't believe it, how much ammunition we have." - too bad we can't shoot the virus!

Just yesterday wasn't he saying they had plenty "ready to rock"

Trump tended to turn for advice to others with "no credentials, experience or discernible insight in navigating a pandemic"

It did not have to happen this way. Though not perfectly prepared, the United States had more expertise, resources, plans and epidemiological experience than dozens of countries that ultimately fared far better in fending off the virus.

So much for a "ban" ... including nearly 40,000 in the two months after President Trump imposed restrictions on such travel

"We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset - our Sailors"

HHS Secretary Alex Azar said in April 2019 that a "pandemic flu" is what kept him up most at night. Trump said he didn't think Azar "was speaking about a specific pandemic"

"We try to buy. It’s really hard," he said. "The federal government buys most all of it."

Fauci still can't understand why we haven't done this yet. "States that we’re talking about are not in jeopardy," Trump said, referring to the handful of states that have not yet issued these orders. REMEMBER, he also told us the country wasn't in jeopardy early on. He still hasn't learned.

Changing the definition mid-pandemic to help feed his state blame game.


"It's supposed to be our stockpile. It's not supposed to be states' stockpiles that they then use"

A tangle of military protocols and bureaucratic hurdles has prevented the Comfort from accepting many patients at all.

One major reason that it should be required to be wear a mask. Not mainly to protect yourself, but to protect others.

Donald Trump told reporters he had a solution in mind. "Well, look, I'll be the oversight," the president said. "I'll be the oversight."

"'Our' means 'United States of America' ... but when he says 'our' he's talking about 'our country' ... he's talking about the federal government ... he said 'our' and 'our' means 'for the country' and 'our' means 'for the states', because the states are part of the country"

The truth is actually worse than the fiction!

Supply chain dynamics aren’t as simple as a lot of people think.

Trump has repeatedly indicated that he expects governors seeking his help to lavish him with compliments - which he is already employing in campaign ads

It's TRUE, he didn't. He had to use it a bunch. However, 3 years later... Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.

"I don't understand why that's not happening. As you said, the tension between federally mandated versus states rights to do what they want is something I don't want to get into. But if you look at what is going on in this country, I do not understand why we are not doing that. We really should be," Fauci said. Trump said Wednesday that he does not plan to issue such an order because different states have different levels of coronavirus cases.

The federal government had faulty ventilators. Then the coronavirus hit.

During that roughly five-month period, maintenance on the machines halted

Federal officials also told House lawmakers that there's a lag in obtaining new ventilators from the private sector, and acknowledged they knew "as early as mid-January" that the US wouldn't have enough N95 respirator masks if a coronavirus outbreak were to occur

For those of us who have witnessed both Mbeki's long denial of the AIDS epidemic and Trump's response to the coronavirus emergency, there are alarming similarities between these men's behavior at the early stages of a public health crisis

Trump's team downgraded the office because they thought it needed less attention. In a world of limited resources, you have to pick and choose, and they chose issues other than pandemic response.

[Massachusetts Gov. Charlie] Baker is extremely frustrated that the federal government outbid him on supplies that were en route to Massachusetts.

"Get over yourselves. Whether you think this is an issue or not, it is. Whether you think it could affect you or not, it does."

The network consistently reports lies and unverified information as fact. Their "coverage" of the coronavirus pandemic has revealed just how low they are willing to go to remain in Trump's good graces. By repeating the ignorant statements made by Trump and parroting his dangerously incorrect ramblings about the deadly virus, they have placed their audience at grave risk.

"There won't be anyone left to take care of the public"

With little guidance from the Trump administration, competition among states, cities, hospitals and federal agencies is contributing to the staggering bill for fighting the pandemic


The initiative, called PREDICT, also trained and supported staff in 60 foreign laboratories - including the Wuhan lab that identified SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Millions, with thousands coming from China alone, after it was "shut off" or however he spins it.

After weeks of US medical personnel bringing up shortages of PPE in the US, apparently it's being officially prioritized.

Trump says "if you're having problems, come to us" but then allows FEMA to send them to the open marketplace, where states have to bid and have issues. Anyone else see the cycle?

It was not a "gift" from Russia, but a sale. It's hard to call it "humanitarian assistance" when you have to pay for it.

"The most scary thing is to see how rapidly the patients deteriorate"

"There is no doubt that the administration has mishandled this entire crisis, and our committee will certainly be engaged in robust oversight to review what happened and how to avoid these mistakes in the future."


Hospitals are threatening to fire health-care workers who publicize their working conditions during the coronavirus pandemic - and have in some cases followed through.

Even though he's been alerted multiple times in his presidency to the shortage of critical supplies in a pandemic and fired teams involved with it.

"hopefully this dumb tweet added some brief humor / happiness into your timeline/day"

But how could Trump allow tons of vital medical equipment Americans to be transported to another country in February if, as he has claimed since January, he fully understood the risk the United States was facing from the virus.

Except in his daily briefing on 3/29, he says "I don't want high approval ratings for this" - so why even bring it up? Of course a lot of people are tuning in, they're stuck at home amid a national emergency.

President Trump wants his signature on stimulus checks sent out to Americans as part of the coronavirus relief package.

Trump bizarrely turned the focus to what he said was a far lower mortality rate than he had expected.

... the White House try to figure out how many ventilators to request and how much they should cost.

Why was the President spending so much time griping on the phone with one of his most ardent defenders even as the United States became the country with the most documented coronavirus cases in the world?

The very definition of irony.

"I tell him - I mean, I'm a different type of person - I say, 'Mike, don't call the governor of Washington. You're wasting your time with him. Don't call the woman in Michigan'"

...her state was notified that shipments of protective equipment such as face masks are going "first to the federal government" ahead of the states.

The shortage of masks and other supplies for the coronavirus response reflects a federal failure to prepare for medical emergencies

"It's hard not to be happy with the job we're doing; that I can tell you"

Does anyone even have to say this?

Remember a couple weeks ago when he said he didn’t know anyone died from the flu?

Spell has told CNN he believes the pandemic is "politically motivated."

In other words, if governors want the federal government to help them combat the coronavirus, they're going to need to "be nice" to the president first.

"We are also expected to hold office hours and welcome students for face-to-face interaction."

Gaynor came under scrutiny days earlier after an interview where he flatly declared Trump wasn't using the act, despite the president's inaccurate claims that he was.

... asked our Heavenly Father to watch over President Trump and Vice President Pence and the rest of their leadership team.

This is what happens when “officials” (in this case, Trump over and over) spout off unvetted information.

"It's just sad that that's their focus at a time of crisis in the nation."

It should be clear that many of those who blame China at this late stage for the spread of Covid-19 are likely seeking to shift blame from their own inadequate responses.

"If someone had been there, public health officials and governments across the world could have moved much faster."

“... the openly conservative Christian businessman repeatedly mentions the power of God as part of his justification to leave stores open."

“It’s just sad that that's their focus at a time of crisis in the nation."

If Donald Trump wasn't quite the quintessential snake-oil salesman at a news briefing this week and on Twitter Saturday - touting preliminary and even unproven medical remedies to the new coronavirus pandemic - he came disturbingly close.

The senators were briefed about the spread of coronavirus ahead of their sales.

Just watch the clip for #3. Everything else is typical, but that is absolutely insane.

“Donald Trump may not have been expecting this, but a lot of other people in the government were - they just couldn’t get him to do anything about it.“

After weeks of saying “coronavirus,” he now calls it the “Chinese virus.”

...due to the scarcity of COVID-19 tests, if they do become exposed to a patient, they should call their own doctors to get tested; the hospital will not use its supply on them.

Has he actually activated the Defense Production Act? Nobody seems sure.

"I don't think it's a problem here. In Italy they have a lot of Chinese and that's why they have the virus. We don't have that problem here."

He simply won't stop this xenophobic behavior

"The President may say that things are being produced, but they sure as heck are not showing up in my state or in the states of all of my colleagues across the country,"

...his state three times lost out to the federal government on purchases of critical supplies...

...despite President Trump saying supplies like hospital masks and gowns are available, they aren't showing up to hospitals.

Trump went into overdrive as he attempts to deflect any and all blame for the current crisis gripping not just America but the world.

... the CDC had already sent those kits to state public-health labs and had to retrieve them.

Has anyone tried caling the CDC lately?

The draft report, marked “not to be disclosed,” laid out in stark detail repeated cases of “confusion” in the exercise.

Sen. Burr sold off up to $1.56 million in stock on February 13th, as he was reassuring the public about coronavirus preparedness. At the time, Burr and the Intelligence Committee were receiving daily briefings about COVID-19.

Reports going all the way back to 2011 calling out ventilator shortages.

President Trump now claims he believed the coronavirus outbreak was "a pandemic, long before it was called a pandemic."

From previously downplaying risks and accusing the media of fearmongering, Fox News has taken a very different tone towards the coronavirus in recent days.

"I'm a business person," the president said in a Feb. 26 White House press briefing. "I don't like having thousands of people around when you don’t need them."

"I would like to test you now, but I can't, because you don't meet FDA and DOH criteria."

... the American medical community warned about exactly what is now happening.

"we have a problem that a month ago nobody ever though about"

Any Democrat could run this as their presidential ad.

"It's hard to believe that we even have to post this."

That problem was exacerbated by a President who has simultaneously underplayed the severity of the outbreak and overpromised the means available to fight it.

"I wrote to you more than 600 days ago demanding answers after you fired the entire White House pandemic team."

"tweeted a false claim that the disease could be killed with nothing more than Vitamin C and the same type of silver product that Jones was selling"

Meanwhile, on another network, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, offered up a completely different take

"Act Now to Prevent an American Epidemic," was the headline of her Jan. 28 op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, in which she called for widespread testing and beefing up hospital preparedness.

... reporters had their audio cut by the White House.

Ignoring the guidance of his own health officials, he shook hands with several of the executives...

But in an Instagram story, the model says she's tried to get tested for the coronavirus at two different doctors, with no luck.

"could lead to nearly 700,000 people losing assistance"

Trump began speaking at 3:29 p.m., about a half hour before the markets closed. [...] The day's rally also came the day after the worst day for stocks since the 1987 crash.

There are not even tests on hand to use if a patient was approved for testing, the doctor said.

Some experts have suggested that we simply have to accept that we have a president who is incapable of handling the crisis and work around that reality.

The World Health Organization did have a working test. Someone somewhere made the decision that the U.S. was going to go its own way, and that started a chain reaction of not having a working test and then having these delays for weeks

Trump is concerned it "could hamper his narrative that the coronavirus is similar to the seasonal flu and could further agitate Wall Street."

... with one source telling the network that the president's son-in-law is "in total control."

"The idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it, we're not set up for that"

The CDC and FDA said no.

"I could have tested over 1,000 patients by now instead of checking boxes"

... "it was especially difficult to place Mr Trump's priorities since he refused to sell his businesses when he became President."

That's not a choice we should be asking anyone to make in the United States in the 21st century.

In May 2018, Trump ordered the NSC's global-health unit to close and reassigned Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, who would've overseen the US response to a pandemic in that role.

"The United States will remain vulnerable to the next flu pandemic or large-scale outbreak of a contagious disease that could lead to massive rates of death and disability, severely affect the world economy, strain international resources, and increase calls on the United States for support."

Trump told reporters that tests for the coronavirus were now available to anyone who needed one. Yet just afterward, we heard from governor after governor and doctor after doctor that this is categorically untrue, with states in dire need of more tests.

"I would have said, 'Does anybody die of the flu?' I didn't know people died from the flu."

"We could not be more well-prepared"

Seems like the administration had its priorities in order.

The CDC designed a flawed test for COVID-19, then took weeks to figure out a fix so state and local labs could use it. New York still doesn't trust the test's accuracy.

"They are fixated on the politics and the stock market"

He didn't want to rock the boat.

"So far the Chinese have been more transparent certainly than in past crises and we appreciate that" O'Brien said

Just a little lighthearted rhyme about coronavirus from the Surgeon General.

"I think it will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America"

Politicians downplayed the severity of the virus, while police went after "rumormongers" and censors deleted any commentary that questioned the official line.

Trump Quote Timeline

January 22: "We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China. It's going to be just fine."
February 2: "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
February 19: "I think it's going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus. So let's see what happens, but I think it's going to work out fine.
February 24: "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA... Stock Market starting to look very good to me!"
February 25: "CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus."
February 25: "They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we're very close to a vaccine... I think that's a problem that's going to go away..."
February 26: "And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
February 26: "We're going very substantially down, not up."
February 27: "One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear."
February 28: "We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical."
March 2: "You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?"
March 2: "A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they're happening very rapidly."
March 4: "If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work - some of them go to work, but they get better."
March 5: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work."
March 5: "The United States... has, as of now, only 129 cases... and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!"
March 6: "I think we're doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down... a tremendous job at keeping it down."
March 6: "Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They're there. And the tests are beautiful.... the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good."
March 6: "I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it... Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?' Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."
March 6: "I like the numbers being where they are. I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship."
March 8: "We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus."
March 9: "This blindsided the world."
March 10: "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."
March 27: [with New York saying it's critical to get more ventilators, hundreds dying per day...] "I think in the stockpile we've got over 10,000. The reason we don't want to distribute that is for exactly what you're saying. If there's a mad rush in New York, or maybe in Louisiana or maybe someplace else we don't want to have given out all of those units, the ventilators..."
March 29: "You know, there's a question as to hoarding of ventilators, some hospitals, and independent hospitals, and some hospital chains as we like to call them, they are holding ventilators they don't wanna let them up... We need them for certain areas where there's big problems. They can't hold them if they think there might be a problem weeks down the road"
March 29: "Nothing would be worse than declaring victory before the victory is won, that would be the greatest loss of all"